Friday, March 2, 2007


Some stop-motion artists. These guys are really good. I'm jealous.

I was gonna say something, but on second thought, maybe not.

Oh, what the heck.

I wish people would stop complaining. It's a bad Singaporean thing to do. I mean, once in a blue moon, after a bad day, it feels good to cut loose and lash out. But not everyday is a bad day, and we shouldn't make it a habit to complain after every bad day, either.

One of my neighbours are cooking something really nice (so distracting).

Anyway. I feel that the converse is just as bad. To keep everything to yourself and not to tell a single soul. I mean, you may say that you can talk to God and feel better, but then again, God works through people, non?

I tend to keep a lot of things to myself. And once in a while, I do complain a lot. I guess I swing to the extremes. Complaining irritates those around you, but keeping things to yourself just make you a ticking time bomb.

I must be one of those mad people who update their blogs compulsively (OMG! I have OCD!). But I hope I make a good read. Hopefully I say something that will (umm) impact someone? Or maybe we're all entertained by quantity nowadays. Whichever way, thanks for reading. (:

For some reason, I'm sleepy. I'll change yesterday's statistics; I'm more than 40% done for the second ship. Just have to add in the comm tower at the back and all the pipes and stuff. simple cylinders and cubes will do. The ship's basic shape isn't very complicated after all. I'm just afraid (couldn't think of a better word) that my boss will call me. It's pretty tough to try to explain to people that you're efficient and not lazy (being serious here).

Oh shite. I owe my mom $120. haha.

I'll try not to update this blog tonight. heh...

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