Friday, March 16, 2007


Bored again.

Today was worse than yesterday. I have no jobs so far. As in, not assigned to any. As usual, I'm sleepy.

And today, we shall all listen to myself talk about how I feel.

Or not.

Or I shall be treacherously ambiguous.

Or not.

Thank you for your poison. You're completely different from who you make yourself out to be. You tell me all about all the bad things you see in people, and how you wish the world would stop being so fake. But you fail to see the exact same character flaws in yourself. I may be the judgemental one here, but I'm only saying this cos I want to be honest to you. And I hope that instead of pushing me away, you'd listen, and tell me how you feel, so that both of us may grow as people.

I'm late on this, should have let it out earlier. Ah well. Better late than never. Forgive me on that part.

Thank you for your poison. I hope that I can be real. I am quiet, I am loud. I am shy, yet extroverted. I choose to see everything bad in me, but I push myself to overlook flaws in others. So thanks, guys, for listening to me complain about others. Thanks for letting me lash out. Cos if you hear me complain, you're probably one in a million to me.

Thank you, keeper of secrets. I just want you to know that whatever you may have done, you're still my friend, and I still love you.

I still can't think of what to say.

I want to hate you but I can't.

Hi mom, sorry that I'm not who you want me to be. Sorry that I cost you so much time and money, and so much pain.
Hi dad, I know that you want what's best for me, but sometimes you have to admit that what you want may not be best.

I am becoming increasingly random.

Thanks for your support, everyone. Sorry for the abuse. haha.

Ah well. My colleagues are like playing games as well. some of them, anyway.

and I ran out of brain power to fuel this train of thought.

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