Monday, November 26, 2007

18 Nov 2007

Sorry I'm taking so long.

Thanks to all:
Aaron, who shipped me a present all the way from Scotland.
Lucas, who did his best to make sure I had lots of fun.
Kim and Nigel, you guys can't act... haha.
Xiao Lii and Xiao En, I didn't expect you guys to celebrate my birthday... thanks.
Sally, for turning up.
Delphine, Kai Lin and Shing, for taking the time.
Tim and David, you guys are awesome.
Wei Wen, thanks for the card.
Ken, Jovan, Han, Min, Yabei, Huiling and Jenny, I'm still watching it (over and over and over again).
Alfinah and Vic, this is (in my opinion) one of the best albums ever.
Alex, for giving me a big surprise (you sneaky guy you).
The message-ers - thanks for the birthday messages. Much appreciated.
My cell group. Jean, thanks for asking me what I wanted for my Birthday.

Dad. Thanks for the dinner. I think this is the first time in almost a year that I've called you "dad".

Mom. You're the greatest ever. And you move me to tears, always.

Thank you.

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