Thursday, January 18, 2007


Heya. I realize that i've been influenced by lots of British stuff lately. Somehow. yeah.

Like my favourite movie at the moment. Shaun of the Dead. And if you have yet to watch it, you're an idiot. go get enlightened please. it's one of those intelligent comdey movies. with typical tongue-in-cheek british humour.

And lately i've been more in to indie rock. like. Kasabian. Oasis. in fact, i just bought the Oasis CD, "Stop the Clocks". and Damien Rice (though Irish, he's close enough to British. Hah. so i cheat. so what. Bono is Irish as well). And (duh) Delirious?. So yeah. Brit rock rules for now. i'm so looking forward to backpacking over there.

although america does produce good stuff as well. like death cab for cutie. and Scrubs. and My Chemical Romance. and Mike Mignola.

all awesome stuff. i've been doing some drawing lately. and i must say, i do love mike mignola's style. and although i risk ending up like probably a million other fanboys and girls, he's probably the best comic book artist to emulate. although i do appreciate olivier coipel's work as well (House of M).

and though i'm not one for poetry or interpretive drama/dance, i must say that they do have their benefits. i think. should be la. it's just that, try as i may, i have not found a way to appreciate them.

oh and do check out my portfolio site. i'll put up the link as soon as i'm able. it's time for singaporeans to stop being so ******* square and actually do something bout their lives. haha.

so anyways. till another time. cheerios.

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