Monday, January 22, 2007


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This is my namecard that i'm working on... You may be wondering why i didn't post it straight to, but let's just say it's work in progress that isn't part of my portfolio. wait. that doesn't make sense...

Anyways. the concept for this one is to leave the face "blank" so that i can draw an impromptu picture of something related to whoever i'm presenting the card to. almost like a preview of what i can do with a pen. great first impressions, yeah. peace out.

So anyway, i'm listening to Stop the Clocks, which is a best-of album from Oasis. so yeah. they make good music. even if they're arrogant, drugged up and bad examples for children. oh well. there're two sides to everything. So many songs of theirs that i'm growing to like all over again.

Lucas' and JinLian's birthday celebrations were yesterday. it was great fun. i had a slight tug on the inside of me telling me how much i wished someone would've spent that much time to throw a nice party for me on my birthday, but i told that something to shut up and go to hell. (:

Yeah, i had lots of fun on sunday. it was cool. Called miss cheryn-ann to wish her happy birthday after dinner. January has a lot of babies. um. i meant that in a good way.

Two more assignments to go. only one of me. I think i shall work on my 3D now. It's due on thursday. or wed, cos it's submit and present on thurs. after that i gotta run to do vid announcements. blessed. help me, i think i'm gonna sleepwalk for the next week.

so anywho. i think i've got like nothing else to say now. for now. i guess this blog isn't very personal. it's very surface-level me, you know? It's probably gonna stay that way too. keep smiling, keep shining, knowing you can always count on me for sure. that's what friends are for. okay, i don't know why i typed that. good night!

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