Hello. Fell sick yesterday and went home early (only an hour early) from work. Symptoms: Non-stop sneezing, runny nose, and a bad throat. Possible causes: Chinese New Year snacks, late nights, and being bitten by Sabrina's crazy hamster. I was bleeding profusely from my thumb! I'm not exaggerating, okay (well, except the "profusely" part).
So I'm at home now, blogging while waiting for my mom to get ready. Gonna go see a doctor. Don't think fasting is a good idea today; I may mess up my body even more. Ah, barbecue tonight. Don't think it's smart for me to go. I may have to amputate my nose if I do.
I'm not a slacker though (yeah, right). I'm gonna do work at home. Nothing fancy, just designing a clock for Microsoft Messenger to give away to clients. Pretty simple stuff. No problems.
My mom has "disowned" that man. She's coming close to sueing him. He's still tormenting me; telling me that I must be a good boy and see him so that he can pass me the money. Needless to say, I'm *very* reluctant to do so. I think seeing him would just be setting myself up for another lecture about how I'm nothing but a screw up, hanging out with satanic friends and throwing my life to the dogs. Which is unfair, because he has not bothered to see me since last year, and knows nothing about how I live or the company I choose to keep. Nothing about my financial needs, either. So no, I do not want to see him.
Haha! Cheer up, people! There's no need to think about what's past, nor worry bout one's future. As for me (in case you wanna know, but the fact that you're reading this means you do), I'll carry on. After all, I'm best buds with a Lucas Chia (who came to visit me yesterday, and to bai nian to my mom), Aaron Low, Timothy Wan and a Kim Cheong! All of whom I've known very, very well for the past 4 years (Aaron has hit the 6 year mark). And of course, all the rest whom I've neglected to name (sorry boys and babes) because I feel that I've not gotten to know you as well as I know the aforementioned bunch of doofuses.
I'm starting to talk nonsense now (I blame the nose and the throat), so I think that I should stop.
Off to see the doctor. see ya.
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