Monday, February 26, 2007


Stop my bleeding heart and let the engine die.

I met THAT MAN (rather forcefully on his part) today. He wanted to pass me some money.

Let's move on.

Simon took over the msn clock job. I just helped him do a lot of mock-ups and stuff. At first I was a little disappointed at not being able to handle my own job assignment, but I guess that I probably am really not ready. haha.

I'm not sure what to blog about.

But I just feel like blogging.

I can't wait for Easter. Sufferring from production withdrawal syndrome. We shall all do something great.

Talked to Gary about lots of stuff the other day.

I like talking to people about stuff. Or maybe I just like listening. Probably a bit of both.

I'm drifting. And this time I can't blame the drugs.

I wonder if they've hoped for anything better
while in their memories: tiny tragedies.

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