Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Here we are now with the falling sky and the rain,
We're awakening
Here we are now with our desperate youth and the pain
We're awakening
Maybe it's called ambition, but you've been talking in your sleep
About a dream, we're awakening.

- "Awakening", by Switchfoot.

Second day of my attachment to Winson & Terry. Tiring, but fun. Not very busy, but then again, not very free either. I guess I enjoy the work there. Still havent done the flash animation... I'm so tired.

Learned the importance of fold marks. And the importance of not cutting off your crop lines by accident. And that using a set-square helps sometimes. Was a bit more familiar with the computer system today. At least i roughly knew which buttons to press. My colleagues bought me lunch today. So nice. I like the working environment there. And it's not because they bought me lunch, either.

Had a bit of a coffee with Alfi, and then she went home and i watched Alex eat his dinner. I suppose I'm blessed to have people around me. More than i'll ever know. haha.

Starting to see in myself an inclination towards design edge. The more entrepreneur-ish, more risky, more unconventional side of design. I'm not so much in to designing brochures and stuff, but i recognise their importance in this world. I'm gonna pursue the unconventional, though. I've been having an impression in my heart (not just recently, but for some time) that life now is difficult, and it's gonna get harder. I'm tempted to give in now, and it'll get worse soon. But what's life good for without some hardship?

So that's my direction. Heading away from what's safe and striking out blindly. Make it or no, I want to know that I gave it my best.

I can never think of anything funny to type on my blog. haha.

I've got another concept for my portfolio presentation. i'm gonna print my illustrations like photographs (polaroids, etc.) on glossy paper, printed on t-shirts, on poker cards, etc. and present it all in a box. Sorta like a scrapbook or something. Lots of hands-on work. I'm gonna have to collate my stuff first though. may have to re-do some of the items that i've lost. But oh well, it's a lifetime thing, isn't it? Gonna start now and work my way through at my own pace.

It's late, and my mom's bugging me to go to sleep. I'm pretty exhausted anyway.

All right, good night.

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