Monday, February 12, 2007

Why can't we seem to keep it together?

Woo. Just got home from my first day of work. It wasn't that bad. Was quite good, actually. Started off burning a CD for a client, then re-did some artwork meant for a billboard. Spent majority of the time pushing buttons just to figure out how to run the software. I really have to get used to Macromedia Freehand.

Oh, I'm interning at Winson and Terry. It's a design firm. The bosses are real nice. And i'm not just saying that for the sake of it.

The workload is handle-able i guess. then again, it's the first day. let's hope "time flies when you're having fun" holds true. Assuming i'm having fun, of course. if not, then i hope "time flies, regardless what you think, retard." holds up.

I've still got a ton of work to do, though. agreed to do some flash animation work. and oh yeah, the boss wants to see my portfolio (half done, but still impressive) tomorrow. which means that i gotta mount it on a stiffer surface. i'm sleepy...

Easter auditions are on valentine's day. at least i'm date-less. if not i'd have to blow some poor girl off. mwahaha.

Taking my leave now... taa taa.

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