Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Zero, absolutely.

I feel. Hardworking. It's the second week of school, and I'm slightly ahead of the rest of the class. Though, granted, I have to be because I'll be jetting of to the U.S. of A. next Tuesday. I'm quite glad that I've managed to complete lots of CCA planning and schoolwork during these two weeks. Not to mention learn how to back-flip (YES! YES! YES!). Which I think is quite an achievement for myself, considering the fact that I was a pretty big failure in gymnastics when I was a kid.

Okay, I think I won't blog much more today. I have work to do. And if you've known me for some time and are thinking to yourself, "hey, Nick's actually doing work", then, I'm sorry to ruin your (flawed) perception of me. Mwahaha.

I am now going to commit social suicide and disconnect myself from this universe in a (vain) attempt to complete the next 2 weeks' worth of work so that I won't have to play catch-up when I get back. I'm also going to commit mental suicide by attempting to use FreeHand MX to do my work instead of Adobe Illustrator. Then again, maybe not.

Oh and if anyone wants stuff from USA, I do believe they sell nice cheap ropes over there that you can use to go kill yourself.

Okay, this post is completely random (although, I must admit, it's much akin to my other posts). Truth be told, I only wrote this because I felt an obligation to update this thing. That, and I thought I needed a little breather before starting work proper.


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